Tonight (or I should say at this early morning?), while I'm waiting for my hair to dry, I decide to post something that have happened during my final exam weeks, as all my coursemates
Not only lazy on blogging, seems like I become a lot lazier recently, even though in my studies... Perhaps I realize that last sem life should be more relaxing. Therefore, while my housemate Shiang asked me to go watching drifting tournament (D1GP) at Danga Bay during my study week, I went for it without hesitation... kekee... Nah, to some of my coursemates, don't blame me that I din call u guys, as Shiang asked me 5 mins before he left home. So right after I got changing, I just followed two automobil maniacs (Shiang and Wei) and heading towards Danga Bay lar ~
Well, all I can say is I've got no regrets for abandoning my revision to watch it! It's superb, man! Although I really know nth about drifting :p
An honourable guest had been invited to be the judge in the drifting tournament. Guess who? He's Keiichi Tsuchiya San, most renowned drifter in the world, Japan Drift King or "Dorikin" in Japanese! I believe that those who have watched Initial D anime won't find this name unfamiliar. Besides being the judge, Keiichi Tsuchiya San had also demostrated his drifting skill before the tournament started.

Leaving me curi ketawa beside, thought that "king is always king, others will find excuses for a king's mistake."
Btw, for his following attempts, he's done perfectly! No mistake at all... Well, u guys must be wondering y I know whether there's good or bad. Honestly, I know nth about drifting, but seeing his car 'biao yat biao' just like watching the InitialD movie, and heard that every1 clapping their hands loudly, then I know it's good d, very easy, right? =D
After taking dinner nearby, the tournament started. To be honest, it was quite boring at the eliminating phase. Just looking at cars drifting one by one in the same circuit... *yawn*
Participants' cars were more or less the same, either AE86, skyline GTR, Cefiro and some of the models that I can't recognize. Btw, it became really exciting when Tsuisou Battle has begun! In Japanese, Tsuisou means chase. So Tsuisou battle is actually a race between 2 cars drifting nose-to-tail against each other. The rear car tries to overtake the front car while the front car prevents it to do so, with condition that both cars must drift at the same time! Marks will not be given if the car is understeered or without drifting at all... Lolz, dont think my explaination is good, too bad that the video clips that I captured that night are bad in quality, else can show u guys here...
So after round and round "kan cheong" Tsuisou battles, there were 2 finalists to compete for the champion. And coincidently, both were also AE86...

Posing beside AE86, do I look like a drifter too? haha ~

Nah, c the uncle in the middle of crowd? That's the legendary Keiichi Tsuchiya San! Good daddy look, right?

Tengku Djan and I
It was only the 2nd round of D1GP and there are three more rounds to go, any1 interested, can go and have a watch! Believe me,
Round 1 11th March 2006 Shah Alam, Selangor
Round 2 22nd April 2006 Danga Bay, Johor Bahru
Round 3 1st July 2006 Shah Alam, Selangor
Round 4 12th August 2006 Batu Kawan, Penang
Round 5 28th October 2006 Shah Alam, Selangor
For more detail and photos on Danga Bay D1GP event, just follow the link ~ ^^
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