Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Cat's hair

Dr. Chandra Suresh (sounds familiar, right?) had spent his entire life in researching the genetic code of a cat. (Yes, cat, don't ask me why he researched cat, out of so many animals out there)

After 48 years of tireless research he found out that cat's hair of a side is always more than the other side. (don't ask me how he carried out the experiment, may be he counted the hairs...)

It's believed to be inherited from cat's great great great grandparents - the hairless Sphynx

Now, make a guess, which side of a cat has more hair than the other side?

**heard this from Fly FM while I was driving to work this morning =)


  1. Since nobody wants to make a guess, let me reveal the answer then...


  2. 你很“杏仁感”叻。。。:p

  3. hahaa ~ since when “杏仁感” becomes an adjective?

  4. I only know Mohinder Suresh

