Thursday, September 08, 2011


今天和小太阳 Facetime 的时候,突然间他杀出一句:


我和小老鼠停顿了 0.45 秒,然后狂笑着说“爱爱爱!!!”


Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Student. Oh! Student...

I'm now officially a student... again :)

There will be 3 registration days in a row and based on the very first day of observations, I found out that:

  1. There are a lot of foreign students (especially from middle east, can tell from their facial features) taking post grad studies in Malaysia.
  2. Female students are far far far more than male students, probably because this campus doesn't have engineering courses.
  3. There are not many Chinese students going for registration today. It's either they choose to register in next 2 days, or the takers are really lesser compare to other races...
  4. The efficiency of the registration officers is expectedly low, it took me >4 hours to complete my registration; however there is still credits given to those officers who were willing to delay their lunch...

Well, will start to kill my brain cells next week onwards... bless me ~~

Monday, September 05, 2011


前几天 Gator 介绍我一间麻辣火锅店,而小老鼠就是那种吃tomyam也要放小辣椒的kaki... 所以我决定带她到这间火锅店尝尝。


味道不错,很咸,很油,很辣,还有很麻... 不过小老鼠依旧参着小辣椒来吃,服啊!





小老鼠:呵呵呵... *腼腆的微微笑*



Wednesday, August 31, 2011


  1. 拍手。
  2. 懂得什么是嘴巴,头发,牙齿,鼻子,耳朵,手,脚。
  3. 拍拍我的手掌当我说 "Give me 5"。
  4. 今天学会了骑电动摩哆车
  5. 前天才发现他对镁光灯很sensitive,不管是在哭还是发呆的时候,只要看到镁光灯,就会朝灯的方向假假的傻笑。
  6. 会四脚爬爬,走,快走(还不会跑),和喜欢爬楼梯。
  7. 会叫“爸比”,妈咪,爷爷等等。
  8. 看到我们拿车钥匙的时候会说拜拜,然后送飞吻;如果没有带他出门就会大哭。
  9. 会拿起尿桶,说ngm ngm,接着把尿桶盖在头上。
  10. 只要车走动的时候就会静静的眼观前方,不管我们和他说什么也不理睬;当车停着的时候,就会开始好动。
  11. 听到有节奏的音乐会跳舞。
  12. 会打我 -- 当妈妈叫他打爸爸。
  13. 会sayang家人,sayang 的举动包括头碰头和轻吻脸颊。
  14. 最喜欢拿起电话就叽里咕噜的说不停,可以说上15分钟。
  15. 当我说某样东西,会看着那个东西。例如:风扇,新年时我们挂上的大吉大利灯笼,等等。
  16. 会拿起笔写“一”,然后看着我们拍手。
  17. 会把两块megablock拼起来,然后看着我们拍手。
  18. 会按两下钢琴键,然后看着我们拍手。
  19. 今天教会了他指出粘在“门”和“冰橱”上的flash card。
  20. 想要的时候,就会往挂着 pacifier 的摇篮走和看去,示意我们拿给他。
  21. 即使很累了也不想睡觉,如果硬逼就会大哭。
  22. 喜欢拿着talking pen来读书。
  23. 会把玩具收在箱子里,然后又拿出来。
  24. 会嘴巴动动,假装吃东西。
  25. 我们吃东西的时候会靠过来要一份,不给就哇哇叫(这简直是强盗的行为)。
  26. 可以看到他开始学我们说话,所以我说话要比较小心了,切记,切记...
  27. 当看到海盗船长呵呵笑的时候,也会跟着哈哈笑。
  28. 当听到talking Tom放屁声的时候,也会模仿“噗”的一声。
  29. 当我们说“美美”,就会拿梳子来梳头。

其实有很多,想到了会记录下来 :)

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Good-bye, my friend...

I knew him since F1, and continue to be in the same class until F4, the year which we sat side-by-side, kap lui together, copied the same homework, shared the same foul words... etc...

He was once a colleague of mine in the same company too. I saw him for a couple of times in the company cafeteria about 2 years back when my dept moved to Kulim office. We didn't talk much, because I thought we can always keep contact thru company IM or phone. But now I regret it as we didn't really talk much after the cafe-meet-up which unexpectedly turned out to be our last meeting.

He had always been a faithful friend who always provided his supports whenever I needed it as well as a cheerful friend who never failed to brighten my days back in high school time. Although he was not the center of the attraction in a group, but I always enjoyed his company because his unique way of jokes always surprised me and tickled my funny bone from a different perspective.

I thought he had changed his dept/ company during the 2 years which I hadn't seen him round... Never thought that his absence was mainly due to Leukemia treatment... and at the end the illness took him away forever, before I have a chance to say good bye...

R.I.P. my friend... for you will always be missed...

Monday, May 23, 2011


  • I am a son;
  • I am a brother;
  • I am a grandson;
  • I am a father;
  • I am a husband;
  • I am a brother-in-law;
  • I am a cousin;
  • I am a nephew;
  • I am an uncle;
  • I am a relative;
  • I am an ex-schoolmate;
  • I am an ex-classmate;
  • I am an engineer;
  • I am an employee;
  • I am a presenter (or Hollywooder, I like this word...);
  • I am a provoker (yea, sometime I do like to provoke others or I call it "goreng");
  • I am a subordinate;
  • I am a colleague;
  • I am a boss of myself (I have only 3 subordinates -- me, myself, and H'');
  • I am a servant of Household Affairs Government -- wife;
  • I am a teacher;
  • I am a friend;
  • I am a Leng Zai;
  • I am a joker (yea, I like to joke, for example, the line above);
  • I am a driver;
  • I am a passenger;
  • I am a blogger, only occasionally;
  • I am H'' -- originally H stands for Handsome, Hero, and 江边鸟 but friends always misinterpret H as Ham Sap, Ham Ban, and Hao Siao;
  • I am a user;
  • I am a service provider;
  • I am a toastmaster;
  • I am a customer;
  • I am a tax payer (unwilling one, knn ~);
  • I am a voter;
  • I am a lover;
  • I am a bird (nearly forget...);
  • I am a dota kaki;
  • I am a reader (manga, novel, newspaper...);
  • I am a player (sports, games etc);
  • I am a loser (eg. Munchkin Card Game);
  • I am a winner;
  • I am a cook (cook water);
  • I am a traveler;
  • Some say I am Nelson (鸟神) because they think I'm Godlike...
  • Some say I am Nancy because that person is out of his mind...
  • Some say I am Lan Si -- this one I agree. After all these years of observation and inner-self-communication, I pretty confirm that LanSi'ness is memang written in my DNA...
  • Some say I am Hao Siao -- it is not 好笑,but 嚎哮, for being too birdy sometimes.
  • Some say I am HBK (Ham Ban King) -- because normally when I mention a time, it needs to be +100%. For example, let's go lunch in 10mins, then you should expect 10min + 10min = 20min. Another example would be the time to take to update my blog :p

What do you say?

Sunday, April 24, 2011




但我老婆就很厉害,选择了一个让我一辈子都不会忘记的“提醒方式” -- 结婚当天抢新娘的时候,她竟然把求婚日作为最后关卡,害我差一点娶不到新娘!

两年前的今天,忐忑的我就只是一束鲜花,求婚戒指也没有,众目睽睽的见证下跪地也没有,就这样在只有我们两个人的街灯下 -- 求婚了。

我想啊,如果时间能够倒流的话,我老婆一定不会说“yes”的 (因为她亏大本啦)


最后就换我考一考她了: 去年的这个纪念日,我们去了哪里庆祝了呢?猜到今晚才能够去庆祝,猜不到就要吃自己,嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿...

Sunday, April 17, 2011


呵呵,好久没有post了。原因无他,当然是因为-- 懒惰啦 很忙啦~


如果有tablet的话,或许可以利用这短短几分钟来写几个“臭”字,但是我没有tablet,所以我大多数的时候我会选择看书。(换句话说,现在你们看到的并不是“臭”字 ^_^ )


我的闷就是 -- 虽然有很多东西要做,却一点也不想做的时候!


孩子肚子饿哭了闹了发脾气,但... 我当然要乖乖地去泡牛奶啦! (不然会中招...)


作为“复出”之作,算是这样啦!以后会常常update... 呱?